YMP – Stone Chambers Quiz Night

The YMP invites members to take part in LSLC-YMP/Stone Chambers’ Annual Quiz Night on Wednesday 24th September at the Abbey Bar (30-33 Minories, London EC4N 1DD). (Please see the attached invitation).

Attendees are asked to arrive for 18:30 with a view to starting at 19:00; food and drink will be provided through the evening.  The event is free to attend for YMP members.  Please submit your registrations (as individuals, not teams) to shipping@shippinglbc.com  Attendees will be allocated onto teams to ensure a good mix and opportunities for them to meet new people.

There are a limited number of places.  Please register early for what we know will be a very popular and enjoyable event, as it was last year.

Chair:Quiz Master
Venue:the Abbey Bar, 30-33 Minories, London, EC4N 1DD
Time:6.30pm - 10.00pm
CPD Points: