The YMP & Worshipful Company of Shipwrights invites you to a presentation and reception

Tuesday 5th  November 2019
Venue: Quadrant Chambers, 10 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1AU
5.45pm for 6.15pm
The Shipwrights are a livery company with some 700 members, all involved in the shipping industry. We would like to tell you a little more about what the company does in some short presentations.

Who we are and what we do – Richard Cole-Mackintosh

Our charitable and educational activities – James Wilson

What it means to be a shipwright – John Denholm, Simon Kverndal QC,
Liza Hammerton


Find out more about the Shipwrights at

Panellists:Richard Cole-Mackintosh

James Wilson

John Denholm

Simon Kverndal QC

Liza Hammerton
Venue:Quadrant Chambers, 10 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1AU
Time:1745 for 1815
CPD Points:N/a